Hydrocore Valves
The Hydrocore valve is the only globe valve that breaks away from the standard globe valve and works in an entirely different way. Instead of applying a force on a plug (disc) to regulate the flow, the Hydrocore valve uses a hydrostatically balanced shuttle to regulate the flow.
Our hydraulically balanced valve, requires very low operating forces to actuate. Therefore, no gearbox is required to assist in the valve's opening or closing. The absence of a gearbox to operate the valve eliminates the risk of malfunctioning and offers a far higher lifetime over traditional valves such as ball valves that rely on gearboxes to operate.
Hydrocore Valve Benefits
A complicated valve is a valve that invariably will have issues once the valve is commissioned. The simpler the design the better. This is the curse or blessing of K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid).
Our valve is simple and reliable with a robust construction.
Since 2010 we have been improving the design of our valve range in order to be moreenergy efficient. The cost of electricity in today’s economic climate has increased significantly in general, and skyrocketed for the mining industry in particular.
If a valve keeps on breaking down and requires constant servicing and maintenance, then the valve is no more an asset. In fact, it is now an obstacle to the smooth running of the entire operation. Inevitably, the valve gets replaced by another brand.
Isolation Valves

Manual Isolation
The Hydrocore Manual Isolating Valve, or Handwheel Valve, is the only globe valve that breaks away from the standard globe valve and works in an entirely different way. Instead of applying a force on a plug (disc) to regulate the flow, the Hydrocore valve uses a hydrostatically balanced shuttle to regulate the flow.
Our balanced valve, requires very low operating forces to actuate. Therefore, no gearbox is required to assist in the valve's opening or closing. The absence of a gearbox to operate the valve eliminates the risk of malfunctioning and offers a far longer lifetime over traditional valves such as ball valves that rely on gearboxes to operate.
The Hydrocore valve's flow coefficient (Cv/Kv) is by far superior due to its design to the standard globe valve, thus saving tremendously on the electrical costs to operate.
Electric Actuated Valve
The Hydrocore Electric Actuated Valve is the only globe valve that breaks away from the standard globe valve and works in an entirely different way. Instead of applying a force on a plug (disc) to regulate the flow, the Hydrocore valve uses a hydrostatically balanced shuttle to regulate the flow. Our balanced valve, requires very low operating forces to actuate. Therefore, no gearbox is required to assist in the valve's opening or closing. The absence of a gearbox to operate the valve eliminates the risk of malfunctioning and offers a far longer lifetime over traditional valves such as ball valves that rely on gearboxes to operate.
The Hydrocore valve's flow coefficient (Cv/Kv) is by far superior due to its design to the standard globe valve, thus saving tremendously on the electrical costs to operate, making it the perfect Pump Discharge Valve in the field.
Oil Hydraulic Actuated Valve
The Hydrocore oil-hydraulic actuated valve is used for remote isolating of pipeline applications and mainly used in: Industrial Water Systems, Municipal Water Supply Systems, Pump Stations, Mine Water Reticulation and Petrochemical Plants
Once an electrical signal is given, the solenoid valve switches over, hydraulic fluid enters the cylinder opening compartment and pulls the valves shuttle towards the open position. Once power is removed the solenoid valve switches to the original position, hydraulic fluid enters the cylinder closing compartment and pushes the valve shuttle to the closed position. In the event of a power failure, the power pack’s accumulator, provides enough oil pressure and oil volume to close the valve. The open and closing speeds can be set separately to prevent water hammer when the valve closes.
Line -Fluid Actuated Valve
The Hydrocore Line-Fluid Actuated valve is used for remote isolating of pipeline applications by using the line-fluid pressure. Is mainly used in: Industrial Water Systems, Municipal Water Supply Systems, Pump Stations, Mine Water Reticulation and Petrochemical Plants.
Benefits of the Hydrocore Line-Fluid Actuated Valve
- No electric actuators that are expensive and that have limit switches that are seldom set correctly causing the valve to fail.
- No gears, spindle, bushes, shafts, keys and keyways that can wear out and cause the limit switch to go out or cause the actuator to fail.
- The valve has a superior Cv compared to other globe valves.
- No pneumatic systems.
- The needle valve can be set very accurately so that the valve closes at an appropriate speed so as to prevent the occurrence of water hammer.
- The valve always has positive pressure (full column pressure) on top of the shuttle when the valve is in a closed position. This prevents valve seat leakage and seat damage. When the valve is in an open position, it prevents the valve from being in a partly open position. This ensures that there is no reduced pressure drop over the valve causing undesired energy and financial losses.
Safety Valves

Pressure Relief Valve
The Hydrocore™ Symmetrical (area-ratio) Pressure Relief Valve is a unique development as it enables the use of the valve in high pressure applications as well as low pressure applications, without changes to the valve.
The Pressure Relief Valve prevents excessive pressure conditions by discharging fluid from a fluid transfer system into a reservoir or a drain. The valve's piston is in equilibrium state when the opening forces resultant 'Fw' equals the nitrogen gas closing force 'FG' or the spring’s Fuo Fuc force.
Non-Slam Check Valve
The Hydrocore™ non-slam check valve prevents back flow while minimizing the water hammer effect during the valve’s closure.
Principle of Operation
- The Hydrocore™ non-slam check valvegradually opens when the pump starts running.
- Gradually closes at a speed controlled by the valve’s speed control orifice.
- Gradually reduces the flow through the valve while closing.
- Utilizes a spring to ensure a valve closed position.
- Can be installed in a horizontal or vertical position.
Long life & Low Maintenance
All moving parts and surfaces of the Hydrocore™ non-slam check valve are made from stainless steel in order to minimize corrosion and prevent scale buildup. The valve’s shuttle is suspended by bronze bushes.
Energy Dissipator
The Hydrocore™ energy dissipator was designed and developed in collaboration with members of various universities in South Africa in the late 1990’s. These studies, which determined the tolerable perimeters of the valve, were done in accordance with several standards that are mentioned below.
Scope of Applications
The Hydrocore™ energy dissipator is a tailor-made device, used in open end applications and designed to reduce the upstream pressure ‘Pu’ (max up to 250 bar) to a set pressure ‘Pd’ (max up to 100 bar) at a designed flow rate
Design Standards
The design of the Hydrocore™ energy dissipator complies with various international standards. The most prominent ones are:
- ASME Boilers & Pressure Vessels Design Code
- ANSI B16.5
- ANSI B16.10
- ANSI B16.34
- ANSI B16.37
Excess Flow Shutdown Valve
The Hydrocore Excess Flow Shutdown Valve is used for pipeline safety isolation, when excess flow occurs.
Principals of Operation
The Hydrocore™ excess flow shutdown valve closes when a preset differential pressure ∆P=Pu-Pd exists across the valve. The valve is powered by the line-fluid pressure with no need for external actuators, pilots, instruments or an external power source.
Strainer Valve
Areas of Application
The Hydrocore™ high pressure strainer is
utilized as a strainer or filter in high pressure
pipelines, in order to prevent solids from
entering machinery or valves. It is mainly used
‣ Industrial Water Systems
‣ Municipal Water Supply Systems
‣ Pump Stations
‣ Mine Water Reticulation
‣ Petrochemical Plants
The Hydrocore™ high pressure strainer
consists of three main parts:
I. Body: The standard Hydrocore™ high
pressure valve's body.
II. Strainer shell: The housing and
reinforcement for the strainer sieve.
III. The strainer sieve: Made of a stainless
steel screen or perforated plate, to
determine the filtration size.
Control Valves

Pressure Reducing Valve
The Hydrocore™ Pressure Reducing Valve accurately maintain a set ratio between the upstream and downstream pressures, irrespective of the valve's flow rate. The valve's piston is in equilibrium state when the required pressure reduction ratio exists.
Timer Operated Valve
The Hydrocore™ timer operated valve opens or closes the water and compressed air lines to allow for mining operations to resume, on a predetermined weekly timing schedule. The valve can be actuated by various means: hydraulically, pneumatically or electrically.
The implementation of the timer activated valves has a three month payback period when applied as air/water isolating valves in the gold and platinum mining industries.
Preventing mud rush
Automatic isolation of the water lines in the workings prevents the occurrence of mud rush in the ore-passes, which is typical to pipe bursts during blast shifts or off-mining shifts.
Pressure Control Valve
The Hydrocore™ Pressure Control Valve (PCV) maintains a constant downstream pressure ‘Pd’ irrespective of changes to the down stream pressure. The pressure control valve setting can be changed multiple times as conditions change and changes are required.
Principles of Operation
The PCV reduces the upstream pressure 'Pu' by a fixed ratio 'R' to a required downstream pressure 'Pd', irrespective of the valve's flow rate. The valve's piston is in equilibrium state when the required pressure reduction ratio exists.
Level Control Valve
The Hydrocore™Level Control Valvecontrols the water level by opening or closing the valve on low or high level conditions in the reservoir. The valve can be actuated by the line-fluid pressure or alternatively by compressed air, hydraulically or electrically.
Complete Valve Stations

Pump Station Automation
The operation of pump stations is a multi-task procedure that ensures the station’s performance and the safety of equipment & personnel at a minimum cost. The operation of the pump station, in some mines, has not changed for decades and it becomes less and less affordable. In fact, most mines that have automated their pump stations, did it by applying expensive technology, which provided the necessary functions at high capital cost and with great dependency on high-tech qualified personnel.
The aging of the pumping systems, the declining of skilled personnel and the demographic changes in the country demand a new approach to the method of operating pump stations. Therefore, the automation of the pump station operation will achieve a significant reduction in the running and maintenance costs of the pump station.
Shock Prevention System
Areas of Application
The Hydrocore™ shock prevention valve
prevents the occurrence of water hammer
๏ The entire pump station trips.
๏ The last of the running pumps trips.
๏ A pump operator abruptly switches the
last running pump.
The Hydrocore™ shock prevention
system is a unique solution for highpressure vertical or inclined pumping
The Hydrocore™ shock prevention valve
is used as the column drain valve,
enabling cavitation-free draining of the
pump discharge column.
Pressure Reducing Station
The Hydrocore™ Pressure Reducing Station includes a fully assembled station, complete with isolating valves, strainers, pressure reducing valves and a relief valve, as well as all the accessory components such as gauges, ball valves, etc.
Our stations can be setup horizontally or vertically, and in dual leg formation.
Flow Control Station
The cooling coil control system maintains a constant
differential pressure 'dP' across the coil, irrespective of the
plant's upstream pressure 'Pu' or the downstream water
demand Q1.
'Q1>Qc’ results in a higher differential pressure 'dP' across
the coil, and a lower 'Pd' at the coil discharge, causing
the closing of the bleed control valve, while the flow
control valve takes over the flow control function.
The flow control valve maintains a constant
differential pressure 'dP' across the coil